Join us on January 23rd in Chelsea, NYC for the opening event of Circles of Abstraction, an exhibit produced by The Bust Gallery featuring artists Annika Rhea, Callen Schaub, Sasha Bianca, Miriam Portilla Espino and Iutian Tsai.
547 W 27th St, Room 207
Opening at 6pm
Performance at 7:30pm
The Collectors Lounge
Represented by Haas Art Advisory
July 11th (VIP): 2-9:30pm
July 12th: 11am-8pm
July 13th: 11am-8pm
July 14th: 11am-6pm
The Collectors Lounge
Thursday, July 11th: 5pm, VIP Opening
Friday, July 12th: 6:30pm, Young Collectors Party
Saturday, July 13th: 6pm, The White Party
Sunday, July 14th: 12pm, Celebrating Bastille Day
Southampton Fairgrounds
605 County Rd 39
Southampton, NY 11968
New Tour Dates Coming Soon...
October 8th and 13th